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Thanks to all of you who contributed to this program and to those who helped purchase the gifts and wrap the boxes.

Also thanks to the children who helped make Christmas cards to include in the boxes and to Children, Youth, and Families for the gift packs they included in each box. Your generosity was very much appreciated. With what was contributed we were able to provide Gifts of Love boxes for 5 families and also to provide an additional $600 in gift cards for Harvest Project to help others.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25)


Harvest Project (click on link for additional information) is a community-based urban relief organization and registered Canadian charity.

Gifts of Love was a unique opportunity for Lynn Valley United Church to show extra love to 5 Harvest Project clients during the Christmas Season. The Gifts of Love program is for families with children, as there is extra pressure on families during the Christmas season.This year, a Gift of Love was a box that included a gift card ($25 per child in the family) and other items that fit into the box which would be appealing to the family and make their Christmas morning a bit brighter.


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