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Harvest Project (click on link for additional information) is a community-based urban relief organization and registered Canadian charity. Since 1993, Harvest Project has been reaching out to those who are experiencing the challenges of family trauma, illness, job loss, and the threat of poverty.  They connect with hundreds of people each month – as they provide one-to-one client-coaching and active-listening, a rent bank, a grocery-support program, clothing supports, assistance for workforce re-entry, food-recovery and redistribution, and their retail Clothes for Change Thrift Boutique. Harvest Project is supported by volunteers and donors from every corner of the North Shore and from across Metro-Vancouver and beyond.

Gifts of Love is a unique opportunity for North shore churches to show extra love to Harvest Project clients during the Christmas Season. The Gifts of Love program is for families with children, as there is extra pressure on families during the Christmas season. This year, a Gift of Love is a box that includes a gift card ($25 per child in the family) and other items that fit into the box which would be appealing to the family and make their Christmas morning a bit brighter.

Last year many of you contributed to Harvest Project Gifts of Love Program. Your generosity was very much appreciated. We have signed up to provide Gifts of Love boxes for 5 families. If you want to contribute to this program please make your checks out to LVUC and list Harvest Project Gifts of Love on your gift. We will be accepting gifts for this program thru Sunday November 10.

The dead line to drop boxes to Harvest Project is November 15.  This is a very early date but is to allow Harvest Project to give the boxes out to their clients when they come in for their appointments before Christmas.

The week before November 15 we will be assembling the Gifts of Love Boxes. If you would like to help put the Gifts of Love boxes together,  please let Joe Catlin or the church office know.

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