
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Diving into God's Word- The Practice of Listening

Discipleship: Practice makes Powerful  October 28 - November 25

In his book, Power Surge, US preacher Michael Foss identifies ways in which people express their gratitude for a life of faith.  This is not a list of "shoulds."  This is not a set of behaviours that earns your place in heaven.  THAT IS ALREADY TAKEN CARE OF.  What do followers of Jesus look like. Well they have some marks, characteristics, practices.  Followers do it because it feels better than not.

  • October 28   Prayer and Worship: the Practice of Surrender. When we make prayer and worship a regular practice we learn to trust that we are in God's world, and our lives come back to us.  In submission, there is freedom.   Romans 12:1-8
  • November 4   Diving into God's Word: the Practice of Listening. When we listen to the voice of scripture, we learn to recognize God's actions in today's world.    2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
  • November 11  Mending the World:  the Practice of Caring. When we love and serve neighbour, we learn the unity of all people.  Philippians 2:1-11
  • November 18  Making Friendships:  the Practice of Joy. When friends join us on the journey, we learn that life is pure gift.  Colossians 3:12-17
  • November 25  CELEBRATION SUNDAY! Giving it Away: the Practice of Gratitude.  When we give ourselves away, financially, we learn that God is the one who fills us up and our only prayer is thank you.  Romans 13:8-14, or Matthew 6:24-34.  Our guest preacher for Celebration Sunday will be the Rev. Beth Hayward, Lead Minister at Canadian Memorial United Church in Vancouver.