
Isaiah 25: 6-10
First People

Behind Every Pair of Eyes!  Compassion - a practice of the heart

Behind every pair of eyes is a soul at work.  Behind every pair of eyes is a story of trouble and beauty.  Behind every pair of eyes is the beloved child of God.  In this five week sermon series on compassion we will look through the lens of those on the outside of the status quo, to wonder how we might be one with each other.  Compassion, means "to suffer with" and it is a practice of the heart. In our worship we will engage the wisdom of the prophets to practice opening our hearts for the healing of the world.  

Sunday, February 3:  Isaiah 25:6-10   First People     Compassion, through the lens of Indigenous People. 

Special Guest Speaker for this Sunday is Rev. Ray Aldred, Director of the Indigenous Studies Program at Vancouver School of Theology.

Sunday, February 10:  Isaiah 49:7-12   Displaced People     Compassion, through the lens of Refugees and Lost People

Sunday, February 17:  Genesis 1:26-31   Sexual People     Compassion, through the lens of the Queer Community

Sunday, February 24:   Isaiah 43:1-7   Troubled People     Compassion, through the lens of mental illness and grief

Sunday, March 3:  Genesis 11:1-9   God's People     Compassion as communion.  We will close these series with the sacrament of Holy Communion