Women have been gathering at Lynn Valley United Church for as long as there have been more than 2 women at church - to undertake social justice and outreach projects that improve the lives of others, to explore the Bible and its implications in a modern world, to support one another through difficult and joyous times and even, on occasion, to provide catering services for events and functions. Currently the Seekers gather regularly:
Seekers: Meet 1st Wednesday evening each month to:
- Share our stories
- Care for each other and the wider community
- Learn from guest speakers about local and international organizations and their needs.
- Act by organizing social events to raise funds for needy projects
The Sunrisers self-identify as The Senior Women's Group... have officially retired, but are still sometimes referred to- so are included here. These octogenarian super-women continue to meet regularly for coffee at Lynn Valley Centre with other neighbours and friends, so be sure to wave hello if you see them.