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Life offers us countless opportunities in which we can unite or have a powerful experience reuniting with the divine. One such opportunity is seen in the story where John saw Jesus passing by and said, "Look, the Lamb of God!" This first step shows that in reuniting with the divine, we first need to identify who is the divine. John points to Jesus, the Lamb of God revealed that Jesus is a powerful way by which humanity can be reconciled to God. It was as if John was saying, "There! I have shown you the way. There is nothing more for me to say. It's now up to you." This step of having someone helping us to discern changes is not only for the spiritual or religious life. We need people with experience to help us identify possibilities and opportunities around us.
Another message we gleaned from John 1 is the message of hospitality. In being hospitable, we must embody qualities such as being non-judgmental, genuine, and open. These qualities allow us to welcome others into our presence and make them feel safe. There are two things to keep in mind about being open and hospitable. An awareness that openness is directed towards others and secondly, openness must be expressed in ways that allow others to feel both welcomed and secure in our presence.

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