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If we had to forego the celebration of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, or Pentecost, which one would seem the least crucial? This Sunday is Pentecost. Pentecost is a long-standing Jewish harvest party, a Christian celebration as old as Jesus’ Church, and a Greek word that means “fiftieth.” And the Pentecost moment described in the New Testament is a 1st-century event in Jerusalem where it appears as if people’s heads caught fire. At the same time, an indoor windstorm swirled through a packed house, and everyone was baffled; some panicked. And then people became spontaneously multilingual. By itself, the Pentecost story in Acts 2 looks bizarre. But seeing what happened on the day of Pentecost within Scripture’s larger narrative makes the story more clear. Luke, the author of Acts, is a historian, not a news reporter. He’s telling us what happened by drafting a story that intentionally maps onto repeated Old Testament patterns and themes. And this is not the first time that a divine, brilliant fire shows up out of nowhere and doesn’t burn anything up.

When we see the first Pentecost, it marks the beginning of a new world. A new way of being. What does Pentecost have to do with us today? How does it impact our worship? How does it impact our worship lives? Is it important at all? I look forward to exploring that together this week. 


Our Sunday Services

Join us for Sunday service at Lynn Valley United Church! Every Sunday at 10:30am, LVUC opens its doors to welcome the entire community for the shared experience of worship. Young, old, single, families, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit; there's a place for you here and all are truly welcome! At our church, all means all, regardless of society's labels or where you've journeyed previously.

We Gather

We're a community filled with friendly people. During each service, we take a few moments to greet one another and acknowledge their presence, a cherished practice referred to as 'passing the peace'.

We Sing

Music is a huge part of our Sunday service! You can join in and sing along (lyrics are featured on large screens throughout the space) or just sit back and enjoy.

We Listen

Every Sunday, there is a themed sermon (usually about 20 minutes long) which is designed to inspire and encourage you for your week ahead.

Live Stream on YouTube/Previously Recorded Services

Unable to make it in person? Each Sunday, you can watch our services live streamed on our YouTube channel or check out previously recorded sermons.